I recently came across this great article that will help you to get your contacts organized.
8 Steps to Clean Up Your Smartphone Address Book
Chances are, the smartphone in your hand isn’t your first. And chances are, it’s carrying contacts from three, five, even 10 years ago that you’ve been faithfully migrating from phone to phone.
My iPhone address book holds nearly 800 contacts including defunct numbers, contacts containing no information, and of course the requisite dozens of duplicate contacts. This is the result of years of syncing various email accounts and social media profiles. Blank contacts can be created when Android phones use Google Voice to message or call contacts. Allowing Facebook to sync contacts with your phone book way back when could have added tons of not-really-friends into your phone.
Until recently, I just ignored the growing chaos of my contacts list. If I needed to call someone who wasn’t already in my favorites, I typed their name into the search box and never, ever tried scrolling.
But your contacts list isn’t just for making calls. It also populates messaging apps like WhatsApp, Snapchat and Viber. It powers your email contacts, and it rears its head in your calendar app too.
It’s worth your while to clear the clutter in your contacts list and, at the same time, streamline your other accounts.
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